what is blog?
this idea of a blog is a bit difficult to grasp, im sure you've all heard it before, so why read it? why should i write down my private thoughts for the world to read...why would i want to divulge information to a stranger, to a friend, with no control as to when and how they view it...never mind
AOL to buy leading blog comapny
AOL is keen to expand into other areas beyond its core business AOL, the world's largest internet services provider, has agreed to buy leading web journal firm Weblogs Inc.
Great blog! I enjoyed reading it even though I came across it by pure chance! I was actually looking for roseburg oregon hotel which features some pretty good deals. Anyway, keep up the good and keep BLOGGING!
cause i'm a voyer and like to read all about peoples intimate details :) you know blogs dont have to be personal - they are a different forum for speaking/artistry stuff that can help you to develop yourself... and its nice to know whats going on in your friends lives
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