Save The Pig, the Chicken and don't forget the sheep
I'm an avid reader of SMH online, it helps me keep up to date on the latest happenings around the world (don't worry it's not my only source). The other day i read about how Pink had waged a war against Australian Wool. Many of you might not know that Australian wool, amongst other wool producers in the world have really low standards when it comes to animal rights. I won't go into detail, watch the lovely lassy pink explain it all, and I'll watch as your jaws drop at how people do this shit and get away with it.
The sad part is, I kept exploring the PETA website, and could only find more and more cruelty directed at animals. For example, did you know KFC doesn't get it's chickens to taste so good by tenderly loving them to death, but rather cutting their beaks off, over feeding them, pumping them with drugs, slitting their throats alive, dipping their bodies in hot water while they bleed...and you should see the footage of what KFC staff get up to with the chickens. I just don't get it, i really don' can people do this shit??? I can understand management turning a blind eye because they don't have to face the reality, but the floor staff who do this day in and day out. I sound like some sheltered kid, with no clue, but I don't get it???
Anyway, all this talk is boring, I'm continuing as planned (long before i wrote this, and saw the videos) to become a vegetarian by 2008. It's hard, but in this fucked up consumer society, the strongest way to influence decisions is through your money. Stop buying this shit and they'll stop making it. That's what I love about consumer marketing; the customer is always right!
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